Human physiology

Gaming, Exercise and Neuroplasticity

The Departments of Neurology, Speech Language Pathology and Electrical Engineering are collaborating to investigate neuroplasticity induced by VR gaming and exercise, with Dr. Liberty Hamilton and Dr. Jose Millan. We are investigating with healthy individuals to test protocols and adolescents with epilepsy undergoing surgery in the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas. Areas of interest of the brain include the limbic system, speech and audiology, and motor control. We will assess the impact of embodied learning methods using walking and biking. Exercise and gaming will be controlled by different brain-machine interfaces, mostly based on noninvasive EEG signals, but also electrocorticography (ECoG) implants.

Ongoing Projects:

Autonomic Stress Response to VR Gaming and Exercise

Auditory Attention Tasks, VR Gaming, and Exercise

Motor Movement Imagry